The DnD Club story…

Welcome to DnD Club. Let me tell you a quick story.

I became enthralled with the idea of roleplaying when I was 10 years old. My classmate brought in a copy of the Star Wars RPG guide to our lunch room, and I felt like my head exploded. Time slowed. This was exactly what I was looking for but didn't know existed: a way to tell the stories which had been bouncing around inside my own head, with my friends, whenever I wanted. I knew, at that young age, that I wanted to do something with RPGs in my professional life, and I’m thrilled to share this decades long process with you all.

I found my way into professional education, but gaming was always on my mind. Throughout my time as a teacher, I looked for ways to “gamify” the classroom, but I was always left feeling like we were watching a great play, when we could be immersed within it. But the traditional classroom structure never allowed for this. One summer, it dawned on me: kids love a great teacher, and we all are just large children that have that awe and wonder deep within our souls, it's just been buried under “adulthood”. So I decided to help teach adults how to play D&D. I went to the local pub, put out a “want to play? $5 per seat” sign. My table filled to 14 players within two weeks, and the DnD Club story was off and running. 

After 15 years of witnessing first hand the dysfunction of the traditional classroom, I told my employer “thanks but no thanks” and began my own quest: to hire the best team of storytelling educators I could find. Then we set about to teach as many players as possible how to live amazing adventures. Several years on, I’ve never looked back, and we’ve put together an adventuring band of over 10 career educators who live to help tell the best stories you’ve never heard. 

I started this business because I loved helping people, teaching new players this amazing hobby, and live and breath amazing stories. I also grew tired of my day job as a classroom educator. I knew I could find a way to connect more deeply with those who shared my common passion: heroic, teamwork based, adventure stories. 


 Adam Scott, Head GM and Teacher

Philosophy and Practice:

DnD Club expects itself to provide you with the absolute best experience possible. Here’s how I do that.

  • Skills matter: There are innate skills that create quality teachers and game masters such as patience, kindness, and storytelling aptitude. I hire professional classroom educators, and game masters who excel at working with players of all ages. They all have both a love of and skills for telling amazing stories.

  • Experience matters. When done right, educators and game masters get better over time. My team has over 50 years of combined classroom teaching experience, and has run over 5,000 combined hours of professional quality games in the past year alone.

  • Player focused: We pride ourselves on communicating clearly with players regarding their objectives and desired outcomes. Our business is all about player engagement and satisfaction.

I stand by every minute of every game we provide, and I’ll do whatever I can to make things right if we let you down. I’m glad you’re with us at DnD Club.

-Adam Scott